HRC Corporate Equality Index: Rating Criteria 3.0

Launched in 2002, the HRC Foundation's Corporate Equality Index has become a roadmap and benchmarking tool for U.S. businesses in the evolving field of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality in the workplace.

The HRC has released the rating criteria which will be used for the Corporate Equality Index 2012 Survey and Report issued in calendar year 2011. The point allocation will be announced by March 31, 2010.

Rating Criteria 3.0

  1. Equal employment opportunity policy includes:
    1. Gender identity or expression
    2. Sexual orientation
    3. Employment benefits
      1. Equivalent spousal and partner benefits –and–
      2. Spousal benefits encompass state-recognized same-sex spouses, partners and civil unions
      3. Transgender-inclusive health insurance coverage following WPATH Standards of Care
      4. Organizational LGBT competency
        1. Competency training, resources or accountability measures
        2. Employee group –or–
        3. Diversity council
        4. Engagement and diversity metrics
        5. Public commitment
          1. External LGBT-specific efforts, including at least three of the following: recruiting, supplier diversity, marketing or advertising, philanthropy or public support for legal LGBT equality
          2. Responsible citizenship
            1. No known activity that would undermine LGBT equality

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