Feb 5th and 6th
As the sun was setting last night I caught this picture. God sure knows how to make a pretty sunset.
Feb 2 - 4
Feb 2
As I was thinking about what to make for my picture a day I go to thinking about hands. All kinds really, strong hands, baby hands, working hands and thought to my self "Self cause that what I call myself" Take a pic of you hand. so I did. I have been wearing those rings on my thumb for close to 20 years.
Jan 31-Feb 1
Jan 31
It was 59 degrees on Jan 31st and the chickens that live in the back yard of the house across the street were out looking for food....what is funny about this is I live in the city. The kids across the street raise these chickens for 4H
Day 31 - Where Does The TIme Go
All I can say is I am not quite sure where January went. But in a way it is like a new beginning. I have spent the last 31 days changing what I eat and How I take care of me. I feel better then I have felt in years. I have lost 10.5 inches off my body that I will never ever see again. I have been doing a lot of self assessment and have come to the conclusion that I am a pretty smart cookie and that I was ready to make this change. Don't call the funny farm yet.