Feb 2 - 4

feb 2

Feb 2

As I was thinking about what to make for my picture a day I go to thinking about hands.  All kinds really, strong hands, baby hands, working hands and thought to my self "Self cause that what I call myself"  Take a pic of you hand. so I did.  I have been wearing those rings on my thumb for close to 20 years.

Feb 3

feb 3

First off no I didnt eat it...lol   today was a co-workers bday and I stopped to get a few cupcakes and saw this.  Death by chocolate would be my choice to die but what caught my eye is the way that this looked.  Looks more like a pile of poo...lol  I couldnt eat that...its a visual thing.

Feb 4

feb 4

Almost missed my picture of the day...opps.  Good thing is that I got it bad thing is I really need to dust...LOL  At least I didnt miss the day!

Till Next Time!

Penny Shurte
Penny Shurte is a freelance photographer out of Beavercreek, Ohio. She is an avid gardener, a lover of traveling, a wife, caregiver, a pet mom and a person that can make you smile. You just never know where you might find her or what she might be getting into and writing about.

Feb 5th and 6th


Jan 31-Feb 1