Feb 2 - 4
Feb 2
As I was thinking about what to make for my picture a day I go to thinking about hands. All kinds really, strong hands, baby hands, working hands and thought to my self "Self cause that what I call myself" Take a pic of you hand. so I did. I have been wearing those rings on my thumb for close to 20 years.
Feb 3
First off no I didnt eat it...lol today was a co-workers bday and I stopped to get a few cupcakes and saw this. Death by chocolate would be my choice to die but what caught my eye is the way that this looked. Looks more like a pile of poo...lol I couldnt eat that...its a visual thing.
Feb 4
Almost missed my picture of the day...opps. Good thing is that I got it bad thing is I really need to dust...LOL At least I didnt miss the day!
Till Next Time!