Water is the very essence of life
Water is the very essence of life.
Our body is made up of roughly 60% water.
We use it to wash our hands, to flush the toilet. We cook with it.
Without water, all life would cease to exist.
I was waiting to pick up my wife from work when it started to rain.
Let's start again
Today I decided that I am ready to get back on track once again. Ready to put my best foot forward and get healthier. I am tired of taking meds that I am Sure I would not need if I would learn to control my calories and lose some weight. I am ready to be held accountable for this as well.
Day 31 - Where Does The TIme Go
All I can say is I am not quite sure where January went. But in a way it is like a new beginning. I have spent the last 31 days changing what I eat and How I take care of me. I feel better then I have felt in years. I have lost 10.5 inches off my body that I will never ever see again. I have been doing a lot of self assessment and have come to the conclusion that I am a pretty smart cookie and that I was ready to make this change. Don't call the funny farm yet.