This Little Piggy Went Weeee All The Way Home
I know I still haven't been blogging much. Summer in the country is a time to be outside. This winter you will all be sick to death of me. I will be stuck in the house and blogging my butt off. Speaking of summer, what the heck is with these temperatures? It's in the 90's almost everyday. The only nice thing I have found about it being this hot is laundry. In order to save money I am line drying my clothes. We have one air conditioner in the living room, so in order for my electric bill to not be sky high, I am not using the dryer. My bill with the air running was actually 10.00 cheaper this month. It's been so hot that the clothes actually dry faster outside than in the dryer. I will admit I do miss my central air sometimes, especially when it comes time to cook dinner.
The Race Is On
Wow, have we been busy. Some people come out to the country and say it's boring, there's nothing to do. That really isn't the case, I have found that generally speaking there's to much to do. These past few weeks the blackberries have finally come in. It has been a race to get to the berries before someone else does. There are a few people that get out and pick the berries to sell them. You can get around $15.00 a gallon for them, the ones who do that seem to be the greediest and want all the berries. This year I have noticed signs posted on the side of the road not to pick the berries. The side of the road is the easiest place to pick.
It's An Invasion
Well the blackberries aren't quite ready yet. Everyone is telling me July, but we are planning on going berry picking Sunday morning. So we'll see, in the mean time we have been invaded. I am not a bug person, can't really stand them. Even looking at those close up pictures gives me crawly skin. So I was pretty grossed out when I was hanging clothes on the line outside and noticed swarms of bugs on one of our big pine trees.
In The News
I just finished reading the local newspaper. It comes out once a week, you can also get the Lexington paper which comes out daily. But who wants to read news about Lexington when it's an hour away. I really get a kick out of the paper. Generally speaking you know just about everything that's going to be in the paper before it comes out. Word of mouth keeps everyone informed. The headline in this weeks paper is about the black bear that kept bothering people. We have a black bear that walks through our yard every once in a while.