This Little Piggy Went Weeee All The Way Home

     I know I still haven't been blogging much. Summer in the country is a time to be outside. This winter you will all be sick to death of me. I will be stuck in the house and blogging my butt off. Speaking of summer, what the heck is with these temperatures? It's in the 90's almost everyday. The only nice thing I have found about it being this hot is laundry. In order to save money I am line drying my clothes. We have one air conditioner in the living room, so in order for my electric bill to not be sky high, I am not using the dryer. My bill with the air running was actually 10.00 cheaper this month. It's been so hot that the clothes actually dry faster outside than in the dryer. I will admit I do miss my central air sometimes, especially when it comes time to cook dinner.      We have had some new animals the past month. Christian found some pot belly pigs on Craigslist for free. Crystal and him got all excited. They called the guy right away and went to pick them up. I for one do not like pigs, they freak me out. Christian says I have seen to many Hannibal movies. There were two pigs, a male and a female who was pregnant. Christian thought we could make some money off the piglets. My only thought was pot belly pigs are not good for eating, so if they aren't going to be bacon I don't want them. They named them Hannibal and Clarice, my family is so funny.

     The pigs didn't stay here to long. Christian put out some feelers on making some money, and didn't get much back. Pigs smell really bad! Now I am used to cows, horses, and chicken smell. But these pigs really smelled awful. Pot belly pigs don't eat the way other pigs do, at least these two didn't. So they weren't even good for getting rid of  compost. Our other problem was our barn is here at the house, our field is 8 miles down the road. So these pigs couldn't go outside. Christian ended up giving them to a friend of ours, who have a pig pen and no pigs. We do get one of the piglets when they are born. I am so thrilled.

     Pot belly pigs are more of a pet then are for food. So I guess my family wants one to train like a dog. Pigs are suppose to be smarter than dogs. We will see, I talked to our friend last night and she said the female was in labor. I was hoping to post pictures of the new piglets with this blog, but she still hasn't had them. So I will post the picture within one of my other blogs.


     Pot belly pigs are not the only useless animal we have had. At one point we had a goat, I think my husband got the goat to eat down the weeds in our field. Goats are also very good escape artist though. A friend of ours up the road had a lot of goats, and he uses an electric fence. You could sit and watch the goats shock them selves to get through the fence. You could hear a zap and then a very loud bleat. It doesn't sound to funny but to watch them do it was kind of amusing. Hey when your out in the country you have to get your entertainment any way it comes. So my husband had to build a pen for our goat and during the day he would be let out on a dog lead. His name was Sir William A.K.A. Special agent Bob.

     As far as goats go he was very friendly. He would start making all kinds of noise when Christian would get to the field. He loved to play with Christian. He would stand on his hind leg and Christian would hold onto his horns. After a while we got him a girl friend to quite him down. We put her in with him, and basically she kicked him out of his house. Not long after that we got rid of the goats. We couldn't turn the loose in the field so there wasn't much point in having them.


     So when you come from the city to live in the country sometimes you learn a lot just by doing. I have learned if you can't eat it, ride it, or work it, it probably isn't worth the money to feed it. Don't get me wrong, pets are great. But most livestock don't make for a very good pet.


No matter what you call it...Love is....


The gourds are taking over lol