Day 25
Here I sit on day 25 and I have learned during these days.
- I can control what goes in my pie hole :0)
- 1100 calories are way to little for me to eat.
- Going to the gym 2-3 times a week makes me feel better about me.
- When you feel discouraged read other peoples blogs or ask for help.
- Surround yourself with people that truly care for you.
- I am smarter then I thought I was (went back to school and things are going good)
- Learned pizza and I are not friends anymore (not the calories, the grease makes me sick)
- Using a pedometer helps me see how active and inactive I am (pro and con)
- Taking time for me everyday has helped me get a better understanding of me
- I am learning more patients and tolerance of ignorance. I am hoping that the people in my Soc class are seeing things from a different perspective. Its ok to agree to disagree
- I study better at the library. I can spread out more :0)
- The best laid plans can always be changed.
- Its ok to be the oldest in the class. It has had its advantages.
- Taking a picture a day with my cell phone has been an interesting adventure for sure.
- I have also been talking to random people. Sometimes it is just that smile or hello that gives a person hope in humanity.
- Blogging helps keep me honest.
- I am taking a religion class and it has brought my father and I closer.(we have more to talk about)
- I have learned to be still and listen (hard for me to do I am a mover)
- Bad days come and go…get over it and move on to the next day
- Listen. Sometimes that is the best answer.
There is my top 20 off the top of my head. I hope that each of you are doing well and have a support system that works for you. I am lucky that I do and I am thankful for that more then I could ever say.
I am thankful for friends, family, blogs and bloggers, the gym, school, cameras, creativity, work and a whole bunch of other things.
Have a great Wednesday everyone.
Till Next Time…