Day 7
Today was a day of hmmmmm. I got up had some turkey bacon and then headed off to work. I didn't get to take a lunch today so I am way behind on calories (didn't get to have lunch) and I am OK with I am looking forward to having tomorrow off work so I can recharge my internal batteries. I need to. I spent a lot of time today thinking about my family today. We all have one and they are are. We have the fixers, mothers, drug addicts, trouble makers, fools, and god only knows what else. With that being said I get to spend a lot of time with them the next few days. I had an aunt pass away. So as the next few days unwind I will be leaning on my support group.
With that being said it has been a great 7 days. I feel more in charge of me. That is what this life change is about. 1 day at a time!
School starts Monday so blogs may slow abit but I will do my best to keep you all updated.
Till Next time......