CAUTION Living May Be Dangerous To Your Health
When I was a kid, about 3 years old, I got stitches in my lower lip. Although I have very vague memories of the incident, I know more about it from the stories I've heard. I was in a car accident and my tooth went through my lower lip. I'm told that I was fighting the doctors so hard that I had to be wrapped up in a sheet with just a small hole cut out over the injury in order to get the stitches in. I've often wondered if that explains my worsening claustrophobia.
Week Three with Liberty Stix
Week Two of Liberty Stix
Quit Smoking the Liberty Stix Way
I brought it home and charged it up and gave it my first try around 1pm today. Each cartridge is roughly equivalent to a pack of cigarettes and at my local smoke shop, that brings the cost of a pack to $2.50 which is a little more expensive than rolling my own, but certainly less than a regular pack of cigarettes. The unit with the battery costs about $45 including the wall and usb charger. Of course cost is not the only reason, or even the main reason to give these Liberty Stix a try.
Liberal vs. Conservative
"Liberal" has, in some circles, has come to be synonymous with "non-religious" while "Conservative" has come to be synonymous with 'religious". Traditionally in the political arena, "Liberal" has meant Democrat and "Conservative" has meant Republican. Put those two definitions together and you arrive at Democrat = non-religious and Republican = religious. This is the transformation of the definition that has occurred over the past several elections.