Black and white.....
The technical name for black-and-white photography is "monochrome" since it is all different shades of one color. Black-and-white photography is popular with journalists and artists. It presents stark contrasts and a purer image. Black and white is often used in portraits and wedding pictures to provide a classic or historic look. Photographers choosing to shoot in black and white need to understand how it is different than color photography.
Auto Focus
While working with my eager and enthusiastic student, Carol, I thought I would take a few minutes and talk about auto focus. All camera now a days have this function and alot of people take it for granted and they get out of focus pictures and wonder why. So here is how it works.... Autofocus is that great time saver that is found in one form or another on most cameras today. In most cases, it helps improve the quality of the pictures we take.
In this article, you will learn about the two most common forms of autofocus, and find out how to determine which type of autofocus your camera uses. You will also learn some valuable tips about preventing the main causes of blurred pictures when using an autofocus camera.
Snow Photos
As some of you know here in Ohio we got a few inches of snow in the last few days. Here are some tips for taking pictures in the snow. Ill post some of my snow pictures later tonight :0)
Snow photography is a fun activity to try during the winter months. In this blog, I'll give you some tips for taking great pictures in the snow, while keeping your equipment warm and dry. Read on...maybe you will get a White Christmas this year to try out some of these techniques!
Christmas Lights.....
At potluck this week I got to spend a little time with Carol talking about taking picture of her Christmas tree. Most people when they try and take pictures of there tree they leave the flash on and the get pictures of there tree but not the lights that are on the tree. Looks alot like this.