Despair and Personal Power in the Trump Age
In the wake of this election, I've been thinking a lot about Despair and Personal Power in the Nuclear Age. The book, written by Joanna Macy was published in 1983 by New Society Publishers. A dear friend gave it to me sometime in the early 90s.
I think it's time for a revised edition, Despair and Personal Power in the Trump Age. What do you think?

Happy Retirement, Darla!
I'm retiring from Datastax and the technology industry on May 31, 2016, to pursue a writing career. Join me virtually...

The Foot Hammock Is Fantastic For People with Short Legs
I don't back a lot of Kickstarter projects, but when an engineer posted a link for The Foot Hammock project into a chat session, I was intrigued.
Like the pitch for the product mentions, people who spend long stretches of time sitting at their computer come up with all sorts of ways to position their feet to be comfortable. We use boxes and footstools...
On Going Gluten Free for Lent 2011
Today is Ash Wednesday and it is time once again to examine my soul and decide what personal sacrifice I will make for this year's Lenten season. After a brief discussion with co-workers, I decided to give up wheat, oat and barley gluten. One of co-workers has an allergy to this gluten so, not only do I have a reference for what is safe to eat, but I will also be able to spend this Lenten season understanding the suffering of someone I respect greatly. I must say that my choice this year may be more in the true spirit of Lent than any previous year. I generally begin a soul searching, meditative process a few weeks before Lent. I examine my life trying to determine what sorts of activities or indulgences I should consider permanently removing from my life in order to achieve greater harmony, balance or spirituality. I also look at sacrifices which will cause me to think often of the Lenten season simply because I'm sacrificing something popular in my daily life. Here are some of the sacrifices I've made in year's past:

Why and How Gina Trapani of SmarterWare Switched to a Standing Desk
Lifehacker founding editor Gina Trapani recently decided to take the plunge that she's written about others taking, and, after a few days and some adjustments, is digging her new standing work setup. Here's how she, and others like her, made the transition.
Greatest impromptu piano duet by a 90-year-old couple in the Mayo Clinic lobby you'll hear today
Greatest impromptu piano duet by a 90-year-old couple in the Mayo Clinic lobby you'll hear today.Mayo Clinic atrium piano, charming older couple... Fran & Marlo Cowan (married 62 years) playing impromptu recital together in the atrium of the Mayo Clinic. He turned 90 in February. The song is Old Grey Bonnet
Five Steps to Achieving Serenity Now
The Serenity Prayer is well known by most, but usually only the first verse. I find the second verse as valuable as the first. The prayer has long fascinated me as being simultaneously incredibly simple and incredibly complex. I just finished reading Eckhart Tolle's book A New Earth. There is no doubt that there is a kinship between his book and the Serenity Prayer.
How to Make Homemade Cough Drops - wikiHow
Whether it be the dead of winter or the high life of summer, colds and allergies seem to pop up out of nowhere and “catch” us completely off guard. Hand-in-hand with these seasonal terrors come the dreaded cough, which you can treat with store-bought cough drops, or make your own.