Do You Enjoy Visiting A Book Setting Location?
I travel to California for business frequently and occasionally for pleasure. During the flight from Dayton, Ohio to various west coast destinations I generally read a couple of books each direction.
Carol and I had the good fortune to spend the Christmas holiday in San Diego, California on Mission Bay. For our flight west I read Touch Of A Woman by K.G. MacGregor and Chasing A Brighter Blue by Gerri Hill...
We Are Planning a Trip to Hensely Settlement And The Sand Cave For Mid-October
My sister Shelley, my son Jason, my dad and his wife Betty made a trip to the Sand Cave almost 20 years ago via horseback. We are planning to take the trip again. This time it will be my sister and her husband Mark and her son Ryan along with me and Carol and no horseback due to Carol's shaky relationship with horses. We are trying to find the best route with the most driving and least walking and certainly the least amount of steep hiking as we're all old and out of shape :) (Except for Ryan of course). So here's what I have so far from some Internet and Google Earth research:
Afterlife of a Church: March 2010 Ohio Magazine Article Provides Inspiration
The article showcases five locations that once served the needs of the community in a religious capacity but have since been transformed to serve the community in a new capacity.