Do You Enjoy Visiting A Book Setting Location?
I travel to California for business frequently and occasionally for pleasure. During the flight from Dayton, Ohio to various west coast destinations I generally read a couple of books each direction.
Carol and I had the good fortune to spend the Christmas holiday in San Diego, California on Mission Bay. For our flight west I read Touch Of A Woman by K.G. MacGregor and Chasing A Brighter Blue by Gerri Hill...
Ohio Mayors Join Freedom to Marry Campaign
Ohio Mayors Join Freedom to Marry Campaign For immediate release January 31, 2012
For more information contact: Ed Mullen, Executive Director (614) 224-0400 (614) 607-3067 Zac Branstool, Director of Communications (614) 224-0400 (614) 507-2656
Vote on a Stone Soup Community Bumper Sticker for Columbus Pride 2011
Stone Soup Community Columbus Pride 2011 Start a Potluck Revolution
After attending Columbus Pride 2010, we've decided that we are going to participate in Columbus Pride 2011. To kick off planning, I've created a forum topic for discussion and planning. (See link below) The theme of our participation is "Start a Potluck Revolution!".
Businesses in the Columbus, Ohio Area Who Support the GLBT Community
Anyone But Me fills the hole left by the The L Word
Anyone But Me Introducing a new generation searching for love and belonging in the post 9/11 age.
HRC Corporate Equality Index: Rating Criteria 3.0
The HRC has released the rating criteria which will be used for the Corporate Equality Index 2012 Survey and Report issued in calendar year 2011. The point allocation will be announced by March 31, 2010.
Review of the movie Hannah Free
The movie addresses a subject that is both very real and very frightening to the lesbian community living in a country where our right to marry and create a legal family status with our partner are so dangerously tenuous. Who among us hasn't worried that an accident or a stroke might leave us permanently separated from the most important person in our lives?
No Excuses: Demand Equality in 2010
Winning rights for millions, ending injustice and fighting for fairness. It's what we stand for. And it's what you become a part of when you become an HRC member.
And we'll be honest – we need you. Too many of our elected officials are willing to put equality on the back burner. And after their recent successes in Maine and New York, the radical right is hoping you'll give up as they use 2010 to block progress and, chilling as it sounds, dismantle victories we've already won.
Hannah Free Movie Screening
Synopsis for Hannah Free: Sharon Gless (Burn Notice, Queer as Folk, Cagney & Lacey) stars in the passionate lesbian drama Hannah Free, a new film about a lifelong love affair between an independent spirit and the woman she calls home.