Challenge Accepted

Thalia's Oral Exam

I belong to an amazing group on Facebook, a gathering of my people, lesbians who love to read and write lesbian fiction. We get into some pretty crazy discussions from time to time. 

One of the members wrote a blog post where she challenged those of us so inclined to write a story which incorporates all of the proper clinical names for the various parts of the female genitalia. I accepted the challenge. And here is my contribution to the fine literature unleashed on the unsuspecting members of this innocent lot.


“THALIA, HOW MUCH longer are you going to study for the orals? If you don’t know it by now, cramming isn’t going to save you.”

Sapphire has been Thalia’s roommate from the start. Both psychology majors, with Thalia adding a dual in Biology, it still amazes her that someone in the admissions office could pair people so well with so little information.

They had a brief fling early in their freshman year. It was a nice distraction and helped take the sting out of feeling alone and awkward in a new and competitive environment. Now, four years later, with this last, and most difficult, final exam the only thing standing between her and her degrees, Sapphire is still looking out for her as only a best friend can.

Thalia lays the open book down on her chest and rubs her eyes. “I know, I know. But these are my orals, and you know how flustered I get in front of Ms. Hanson. She’s the Biology department chair, and she holds the key to my future. If I walk in there with even the slightest lack of confidence, that Diane Keaton look-alike will have me flustered before I even begin, and I’ll fail miserably. And failure is not an option. I fail, I don’t graduate. Period.

Darla Baker

Darla Baker is the author of the Amazon best-selling novel Eagle Cove (Thalia Chase: Sex Therapist Series, Book One). She is the founder of Stone Soup Community, a non-profit press focusing on helping queer writers market their books.

Darla lives with her wife on the shores of beautiful Lake Cumberland, Kentucky during lake season and on the road in her custom campervan, Dulcinea, the rest of the year. Her adorable staffy, Mati, is always by her side.

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