Top 10 Reasons Not To Date A Photographer
We photographers are a different kind of creature. We are both artists and entrepreneurs. We love our cameras and we sure love playing with them, sometimes too much.
I thought I’d take a minute to put together a list of what it's like to date a photographer.
Before we get started, I just want to point out that this list is supposed to make you laugh.
Here are the Top 10 Reasons Not To Date A Photographer:
- Our favorite days are not yours. Most people like bright sunny days. But not photographers. We enjoy foggy, gloomy mornings that make most people sad. A cloudy day....sign me up for some nature photography!
- We are always a critic. You see a pretty photo on a wall and we see what we would change to make it better.
- We don't care about your opinion. Yet we want to show you our latest photos.
- Sunsets will never be the same. Unlike most people, a photographer is thinking about the lighting and what a great picture this very moment would make.
- Meals together become...interesting. Instead of enjoying a meal together, we spend the entire time sending photographs of the meal from start to finish to Instagram.
- Holding hands becomes a rare occurrence. We have a camera in our hands. How can we hold yours?
- We stare at people in public. We stare, not because we are flirting. We see a photo opportunity and are trying to figure out how to make it happen. Yes it can be embarrassing. But you will get used to it.
- You will become a model whether you like it or not. It will be first. Whenever you're out with us and the light catches you just right, you'll have to pose for a picture. No, your clothes and hair don't matter.
- Birthday presents will become expensive. Anything under $500 will probably not buy anything useful for our hobby.
- We have instincts for charged batteries. Even if you forget to charge something ordinary like your phone, we will probably remember it for you. It’s in our blood to have full energy at all times. This will come in handy in other aspects of your life.
If you have a photographer for a significant other in your life, let us know.
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