What to say in class
I am taking a Sociology class at school this quarter. I believe I have said in a past post that I am the oldest in my class. We watched a video on Polygamy in class yesterday and boy these kids really started whispering and just being rude. One of the young women began talking how it is wrong and how can people live this way and well lets just say I sat there as long as I could and raised my hand to speak. The prof said "yes Penny you have something to add." I did. I told the class that the video had nothing to do with whether or not they agreed or disagreed with the lifestyle choices of these couples. The video was about raising a family and how every family in America really wants the same thing. A home, good kids, and respect, just to name a few. Whether you agree or disagree with this lifestyle is a choice but don't judge them if you really don't know anything about them. Out of the corner of my eye I could see the Professor smiling. These young college kids have no idea what the world has in store for them or even if the person sitting next to them is a polygamist, a LGBT person, a serial killer, or a registered sex offender. The Professor ended the class with that. I am pretty sure these young adults think I am a polygamist. I really could care less what they think. This class is about soicial behavior and this video showed that really we all just want to be accepted as people. I don't care who is sleeping with who. Why should anyone else. They will all get an eye opening when we talk about being gay in America in the next few classes. I had to write 2 paragraphes on the youtube video. One of the questions was how is my family like the polygamist family. Here is what I said:
In what ways are your families the same? My family is the same in where there is love and respect for everyone in the family. Like the polygamist family we have hard ships just like everyone else. These families I can relate to due to the fact that I am married to a woman (not legally in the state of Ohio). I live in a middle class community on a street just like the average person. My household does not live in a closed society either. But like these family's we try to stay under the radar due to society out look on our life choices. The video stated that they were breaking the law and up until few years ago so was I. My family calls love, love and a potato a potato. If people find someone to love and no one is getting hurt in anyway how can anyone really think this is wrong. The video talked about working together to make things richer for the family. My family does this every day as well.
So out of the school closet I came waiving my flag of freedom. We shall see how this turns out. I hope with being open and honest that if there is someone in the class that is struggling with-in themselves they can see that i am a functioning adult with a life and I just happen to love women. I'll keep ya posted.