Potluck 04-10-11 Apr 11 Written By Carol Madewell 100_6220 100_6211 100_6218 100_6217 Group A few quick pics of last night's potluck. As Tony the Tiger would say, "It's Grrrrreat!"City Girl Carol Madewell Carol Madewell has been an Urban Farmer for over ten years. She grows exclusively non-GMO, heirloom seeds primarily from Baker Creek. http://stonesoupcommunity.com
Potluck 04-10-11 Apr 11 Written By Carol Madewell 100_6220 100_6211 100_6218 100_6217 Group A few quick pics of last night's potluck. As Tony the Tiger would say, "It's Grrrrreat!"City Girl Carol Madewell Carol Madewell has been an Urban Farmer for over ten years. She grows exclusively non-GMO, heirloom seeds primarily from Baker Creek. http://stonesoupcommunity.com