A week of shame
Ok so I have been checking on all of you but I have stayed away from the blogging due to a really bad week and a half. With the storms here in Ohio my father didnt have heat for a few days and had to stay with me....well that in its self is enough to make you feel like a teenager again. He is a meat and potato kinda guy and doesnt eat spices and all of that so I had to adjust to him...Also he wont stay at my house if I am not there so I didnt get to the gym either. On top of that after he got his heat on my furnace went out. I have 3 little dogs so I cant just pack up and take them just anywhere so I had to find space heaters so we could all stay here. So I was stressed and of course ate bad or didnt eat at all. I know better. (Yes I know there is space at some of your houses I am just blowing off steam) Then with all of this going on my boss is being a horses behind and we had it out today. It really like talking to a 3 year old. They only hear what they want and I had to tell him to shut the hell up so I could answer his question. Not one of my finer moments. It was a yelling match for a bit all over something I cant remember 30 days ago....come on now who really remembers ever cash register transaction they have ever rang....Oy Vey. To come home to find out the furnace guy couldn't fix it today they had to order a part that should be in in the morning. Ok I understand that I dont have alot of patients but to test it all on the same week I am feeling is a bit much for me.
So with that being said......I have gotten the exercise ball back out and in the way so I will use it. I will go to the gym tomorrow and work off some of this anxiety that I cant seem to get rid of. Please say a few prayers for me as I try and wrap my head around all the crap that I will call my life this week.
I also didnt measure or weigh in this week. So know it wouldnt be good.
Peace and Love - P