The dreaded weigh in
Ok so it is Tuesday and as I roll over and look at the clock I think to myself….self (cause that is what I call myself) its raining and you could just stay in bed and weigh in next week. Then the other self (the one that motivates me) says get your A@@ out of bed get your GD shoes on and get to the gym. Dont listen to that slacker you know the one that made you put on this weight. So I get up get my work out clothes on as I beat myself up all the way there for not keeping my journal this week. I get to the gym and I hear the the scale saying come on fat girl get up here and show me what you have done this week. I take off my sweat shirt and I put the scale on what I weighed last week. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and stepped onto the scale as I said a little prayer for there to at least be no gain. I slowley open my eyes and the little lever needs to move….I nudge just a little…nope move it my motivated brain says…1.5 pounds down. I hear the scale say damn and I move the scale back to 0 as I tap it on top thanking it for being a good sport. I have been watching what I eat. I even have been eating more smaller meals so I am more then sure that that helped. I did miss a day of cardio but Amanda bought me one of those body balls so I have been doing crunches every night and make shift sit ups. We also got a Wii but I havent got any exercise stuff yet but I have been boxing. With that being said in te last month I have lost 8.5 pounds and 7 inches off my body. My clothes are feeling better and I am feeling like I have a tone more energy.
Someone asked me why I am doing this the other day. My reply to them was I am doing this for me. I want to be health and look like the me that I see in my head.
Thanks for reading everyone. Have a great week!