Funny Story

I do have a funny story to share.  I was off work on Friday and spent some time at a local Metro Park here in Dayton Possum Creek with Carol.  At this park they have turkeys walking around and ducks and all of that.  Now it is 20 degrees outside and we are out taking pictures and having a good time till I feel this pain in my leg. I look back and a turkey has decided he wanted to take a bit outta be.  Then there is another turkey and he pecks my other leg.  I am like CRAP!  (he drew blood) They back me into a corner and I am yelling as they are trying to take another bite outta me.  Now I get Carols attention and she is laughing (I am sure from where she was standing it did look funny I mean I am 20x bigger then this bird) and every time I try to move they peck at me.   Thank god she didnt remember that she had video on her camera or I would be on utube today.  She had to go get a stuck and shoo them away so I could get away from there.  It is funny now but at the time….Not so funny.

Penny Shurte
Penny Shurte is a freelance photographer out of Beavercreek, Ohio. She is an avid gardener, a lover of traveling, a wife, caregiver, a pet mom and a person that can make you smile. You just never know where you might find her or what she might be getting into and writing about.

Remember Our Feathered Friends


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