Woodman Fen 82710
I spent the morning at the Woodman Fen. It was great to see and hear more of natures wonder. The place is Woodman Fen and it’s a groundwater-fed wetland. The unusual property has come a long way in the more than seven years MetroParks has worked there, redeeming it from a time when it was used as an illegal dump.
A 1,000-foot boardwalk that snakes around the wetland and keeps your feet dry is the longest in the MetroParks system. Below, the soggy earth is a rich coal-black peat. The soil is flaked with white calcium carbonate from water evaporation. The ground is so saturated it that bounces when you walk.
There’s nothing else like it in Montgomery County. Woodman Fen’s entrance and parking is accessible fromDebra then right on Newcastle Drive off Eastgate Avenue. Summer hours are from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Dogs are allowed provided they are leashed.
Here are just a few pictures that I took at the Fen today.