First tomatoes out of the garden

So I made Macy hop the fence and get the first ripe tomatoes off of our tomato plants.

Now they werent 100 percent ripe but we thought we would taste test today just to see if they were any good.

Dad and Amanda wanted to know why we got to eat the first two...I said we picked them we are eating them and down the hatch they

Dad and Amanda go thru the garden every morning and turn the vines back into the garden while Macy and I look for the

Happy Gardening!


Penny Shurte
Penny Shurte is a freelance photographer out of Beavercreek, Ohio. She is an avid gardener, a lover of traveling, a wife, caregiver, a pet mom and a person that can make you smile. You just never know where you might find her or what she might be getting into and writing about.

Macy and I at the duck Pond


The rain did the garden good