break in and life after it......
Let me start by telling this that don't know 3 weeks ago my store was broken into and lets just say all of my good jewlery and tools were taken. The intruder/intruders put a big rock thru my front door glass and used the thumb lock to unlock the door and gain access. E good thing is we are insured. It took two weeks to get all the paper work taken care of but we have now ordered more stock and it is arriving every day. Our suppliers have been fabulous getting us merchandise to replace a lot of the things that were stolen. I am very thankful for that. For many reasons. We vend at an out door festival the second sat in June every year. Had the insurance guy and our suppliers not stepped up to the plate we would not be able to do this festival. So needless to say Yellow Springs here we come rain or shine :0)One of my computers was taken along with an ipaq hand held and a printer. So I kicked around the idea of replacing it with a new laptop and opted to not do that. I did bring Amanda into the modern times and she now has a laptop and all the pass codes she needs to do Facebook on her own and check email. A lot of people are really excited about this. I did decide that I needed a new toy and well after the learning curve I have decided that I like It. I got an iPad. It won't take me away from my ipod touch but I really like being able to blog much easier. Yes I do wish there were a camera and I am sure the next model will have one but I am liking the lightness and the different apps I can get. My ipads first visit was to Darla! We gadget girls gotta stick together! Stay tuned as I teach Amanda how to use the computer and we have streetfair is weekend and Columbus pride next weekend!
Peace and love,