Fruit Trees and Trees
First, I want to begin by telling you that I absolutely love trees. I have really grown to appreciate the time I spent as child, teenager, and adult at my Grandma's 60 acres farm in Kentucky. I realize it was a privileged experience. I am fortunate. It provided the perfect foundation and played a vital role in who I am today. I spent many hours walking through the woods learning about trees and nature. From using a Sassafras twig as a toothbrush, Mimosa leaves as a fan, to the best tree leaves to use for toilet paper. I also spent an abundance of time climbing, playing tag in the trees with my brothers and sister, and just sitting in trees. Learning the branches; their strength and weakness, the way the wind travels through the leaves and branches. Listening to every creek and rustle. They speak to my heart.
My favorite trees to climb were a huge sugar maple and cherry trees. I'm sorry to report the cherry trees were cut down to make way for a new barn, but the sugar maple still stands. My Grandma's farm is now a sheep farm, but it is really a beautiful and special place. I visit from time to time to check up on my good old friend. The maple is still standing proudly watching over the farm.
When you are planning you organic garden do not overlook the importance of fruit and nut trees. Fruit trees are beneficial to your garden. They produce lovely fruit for eating right off the tree and canning for future use. They encourage birds to your garden and provide a nice shady spot to take a break. They have beautiful blooms in the spring and nice foliage in the fall. I am partial to the dwarf variety because I am limited on space. Dwarf trees are easy to maintain and prune. Once they are established they will provide healthy organic fruit for your family for many years to come. I have a three year old dwarf apple tree. I also planted this weekend a dwarf pear and peach tree. Over time I want to plant a total of six fruit trees. Cherry and apricot are next on the list.
Three years ago my son heard me talking about wanting to get a tree to plant in the yard. I was amazed when he came home from school one day with a little sapling he had pulled out of the ground on a field trip at Glen Helen. He told me that all the kids made fun of him for carrying around this little tree all day. He didn't let that bother him. He told me he knew I wanted a tree, so he found me a great tree. He gave me that little maple tree for Mother's Day in 2007. We planted it together. The tree stands about 18 feet tall. It was the best Mother's Day gift ever. I will always remember the day we planted it. He still gets a kick out of telling the story about the little maple. I encourage to you to get your family involved and plant a tree together. It will mark the exact moment in history as you watch it grow and reflect. There is really something magical when you plant a tree. I would love to hear the story of your favorite tree.
Last but not least Happy Mother's Day to all!
City Girl