A new adventure....
So as I told you in the last post Amanda and I have decided that we were going to try and plant a garden this year. We went to the store got a few of the jiffy green houses and several seeds. Our Garden we have named Gollum's Precious Garden yes we have a Lord of the Rings obsession. We each picked things that we liked and of course I had to have flower seeds...Hoping to get some great butterfly and humming bird pictures this year The seeds we chose to start in the green houses are as follows: Mexican Sunflower, sweet corn (2 different kind), cucumber (two different kinds), broccoli, 3 different kind of pumpkins, kohlrabi, gourds, cantaloupe, 3 different squashes, lavender, tomato, and eggplant.
We planted at least 2 rows of each for a total of 216 pods planted and 17 different kinds of seeds were planted. They were planted on march 10th around noon and placed in the stores front window at our shop.
Lets keep our fingers crossed and see what happens.
Gollum's Precious Garden