What is "ART"...
So walking thru San Fran you can find these in lots of interesting places....Makes you rethink if you really have to go...lol
So I am in San Fran this weekend enjoying my BFF. Yesterday I spent the day traveling and today I spent it out enjoying the city...I got up at 4 am here and got ready with everyone and went into the city. I have alot of pictures to upload and will let you know where they will be soon. So this morning as most of the city was still in bed I was up taking pictures..Enjoying the morning...Now after 3 cups of coffee lets just say I am still wound up..I went to the San Fransisco Modern Art Museum today. Which brings me to what I want to blog about today.
Webster defines Art as----
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: \ˈärt\
Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Latin
art-, ars
— more at
Date: 13th century
1: skill acquired by experience, study, or observation <the art of making friends> 2 a: a branch of learning: (1): one of the humanities (2)plural:liberal artsbarchaic:learning, scholarship3: an occupation requiring knowledge or skill <the art of organ building> 4 a: the conscious use of skill and creative imagination especially in the production of aesthetic objects; also: works so produced b (1):fine arts(2): one of the fine arts (3): a graphic art 5 aarchaic: a skillful plan b: the quality or state of being artful 6: decorative or illustrative elements in printed matter
Art...There were many many forms of art in the museum . A floor on Photography which was good for me and then 3 other floors of paintings, sculptures and an whole bunch of other pieces. Most of the "art" I would say was very interesting. However I saw coloring pencil drawings that my niece could have done better and what is with cricked up paper that is spray painted black and hung on the wall for the world to see. Art???? maybe but Museum art???? I so missed my calling. Maybe I am an artist. I guess I never really looked at photography as an art. Looking at different peoples perspective was a good thing for my brain today...I have a few ideas for my own projects. Every where I was today there where signs about finding your MUSE! Kinda fitting that I have already blogged about that...It was great to see my friends but it was really an eye opener for me today to get out and make art and then spend a few hours getting ideas to help me with my art.
Tomorrow is another day...Keeping the creative channels open!
Peace and Love,