I need to help make a change...
So tonight was about seeing...Tonight Stone Soup Community went out on a road trip. WE went and saw Hannah Free. It is an independent film that is a must see for any Lesbian. Whether you have been in the closet, out of the closet or just been you its a must see...I wont give the movie away but It will have you laughing and then crying....With that being said I had the opportunity to spend time with some wonderful women. Talking about how our community leaders don't use all of there resources to make it a better community for everyone...How Dayton is a boy town and we need to change that around...We as a group need to support more woman driven things...We need to stand up and be counted...Make a difference in our community...With That being said I plan to get more involved in our community...I'll keep you posted on how that works!
Peace and Love,