Liberal vs. Conservative

"Liberal" has, in some circles, has come to be synonymous with "non-religious" while "Conservative" has come to be synonymous with 'religious". Traditionally in the political arena, "Liberal" has meant Democrat and "Conservative" has meant Republican. Put those two definitions together and you arrive at Democrat = non-religious and Republican = religious. This is the transformation of the definition that has occurred over the past several elections.

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Who will gain from a switch to H.264 over Flash?
Apple Goodies Darla Baker Apple Goodies Darla Baker

Who will gain from a switch to H.264 over Flash?

There is no question that the h.264 standard is not "free". A group known as MPEG_LA holds the patent and according to Wikipedia, it is free for end users to use until December 31, 2015. As the Free Software Foundation states, it may be more widely published and implemented as a standard than flash, but it is no more "free". I am most curious to know if Apple stands to gain financially from bullying the entire Internet community into using H.264 rather than flash?

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Steve Jobs Thoughts on Flash
Apple Goodies Darla Baker Apple Goodies Darla Baker

Steve Jobs Thoughts on Flash

Flash was created during the PC era – for PCs and mice. Flash is a successful business for Adobe, and we can understand why they want to push it beyond PCs. But the mobile era is about low power devices, touch interfaces and open web standards – all areas where Flash falls short.

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Agile Development Lessons from Zynga Farmville
Featured, What's The Buzz Darla Baker Featured, What's The Buzz Darla Baker

Agile Development Lessons from Zynga Farmville

He and Amitt also talked about the ability of tying each experience to a point of monetization—at user account creation, users status page and status viewing; but also that the best way is to bring the promotion into the game. He talked specifically about a promotion they ran with FTD where in the game you could buy a virtual boquet; and integrating product placement into the story line yielded he said 3-5x conversion rates. He also was big on two tier currencies; which I understood as a base currency that users mostly earn through time and effort in the game; and a second more mega currency that maps to premium monetization of user actions; and links with more “subscriber” class buyers.

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